Sunday, April 18, 2010

Team 5 Looks back at their time in Haiti

Although Team 5 left Haiti over a week ago, they sent along this update as to their last 24 hours in Haiti and also a "thank you" to those of you who prayed for them as they ministered to the patients and other relief workers in Haiti.
Well, we were up early Monday morning, we had to leave for the airport at 7am, we were able to say our good-bye's to the new friends that we had made. One of the Haitian workers, Lilio came early Monday morning to see me off and thank me for the bible I had given to him.

Eddie and myself almost missed our 10:50am flight with Insel Air because we were directed to the wrong location (it was because of the language problem), but I was able to contact a worker from Insel Air and he was able to get us taken care of just as the plane was getting ready to leave.

Sunday was a bad day for Eddie, because that evening he got sick and had to go to the ER to get checked out. He had to stay in ER for some time and they gave him an IV because he was dehydrated. I have a picture of Eddie in the ER with the IV's in his arm and Donna at his side. He also had to get up during the night and go back to the ER and was sick going out the next day. I was able to be with him until Miami then we had to split up and go different directions.

Sunday night was also a bad night because we had a very bad thunder storm, and again our area looked like a small lake. One of the oxygen bottles in the children's ward fell over and broke. I guess it was the noise from the oxygen bottle that scared the parents, because they grabbed their children, tearing out IV's and running out into the rain.

Thursday and Friday they dug ditches around the hospital tents so that the water would flow into a well that they had dug, and could be pumped out, this kept the water from flowing into the hospital tents. Wednesday night we had a bad rain storm and the tents got a lot of water in them.

Please be in prayer that more teams will go to Haiti to work, because I heard a lot about how much great work Tennessee Disaster Relief did, what a testimony to those who served. To God be the glory!

Don Pickrell

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