Thursday, April 1, 2010

Haiti Team 4 - April 1 Post

Good morning from the sunny Isle of Haiti,

Yesterday was a moving touching emotional day.Flordia House (NAMB) delivered about 2 dozen home sewn quilts and blankets for babies. They were made by the women at 1st Baptsit Church in Aztec , NM. We sent 2 to babies in the pediatric ward. Several of us visited the mothers and babies in the ward shortly after. One of the little girls , 3 months old, was seriously ill with bowel distention. We prayed over her and her mother. This morning the pediatric nurse met us , told us the baby lived thru the surgery where a twisted bowel was corrected. She is stable as I type this. The mother said that when she was given the quilt , she knew her baby was going to live.PRAISE GOD!

Also yesterday a nurse told me a mother of a 26 yr old man was asking for a chaplain. He has late stage HIV and will not live very long. Darrell when to see him having to get in mask and gown. Darrell said he kept drifting off and couldnt really focus but the young man said he believed in Jesus ,,we can only hope that is so.

We started planning our Easter Sunday sun rise service. A Dr and 5/6 nurses from Chicago tent next to us said they were so happy to hear about this and that they would be there. The Doctor (Dr Mitchell) and his wife Wanda joined us this morning for our devotion. They brought a small tent with them and have been using that as a place they can pray alone each day. thrilled my heart!

So much going on , I ould write all day but this was a few of the hi-lights from yesterday. Oh Velda is taking a tour of the city today and visiting another orphanage. Others will go this afternoon and the rest tomorrow. More great news Donna Holt will be joining our team tomorrow instead of Sunday when the rest of her team arrives. Is our time here really drawing to a end????

Pray for us and the doctors and amazing nurses and the haitian people

1 Corinthians 2:2
- Bill

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