Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, April 23 Report from Team 7 in Haiti

Thursday was a very busy day. First, we moved from the Florida House to the camp at the airport where the warehouse is located. The two Southern Baptist tents are still up and available for us to move into so Ken took one and Donna and Carolyn took the other. The girl’s tent had three cots and Ken's ten had more cots then he knew where to put them. He also had an air mattress that I found out he didn't use. I may use it tonight! The cot was hard last night. As soon as we got to the warehouse a nurse came in and told us they had just lost another baby so Donna and Ken went to pray with the family. That makes 5 babies that have died since we got here. It doesn't get easier.

We didn't get any new deliveries yesterday, but we are starting to create palettes with excess items that they can move to a real warehouse with walls. They are concerned that the rainy season is coming we have lots of palettes outside that would get wet. We were told to send 6 palettes a day. We are marking them with a yellow security tape.

Yesterday we had a chance to tour the city. We went into the area that contains the worst damage. We saw debris still in the streets, but they [the Haitians] just drive around them. We even saw tents in the middle of the street; again we just drive around them. We saw the Cathedral where a group of about 15 people were singing in Creole, it wasn't a song we recognized. Everywhere we go we see people asking from money or food. Our hearts go out to them.

We also saw the Palace, it had a lot of destruction but you can see what the grandeur was before the earthquake and right across from the palace is a tent city. How can rulers not see how the people live and not help?

Today is Nick and Tyler's last day; please pray that we make a difference in their lives. Some of the books and things they have are very non-Christian, one book was called White Witch, Black something.

Thank you for your prayers. Ken did sleep better.

Today's verse we found on the back of a bus yesterday when we were touring. Daniel 3:17- “If we are thrown into a blazing furnace the God we serve is able to save us from it and He will rescue us from your hand, O king.”

Today is starting to look like it will be our hottest yet.

Carolyn, Ken and Donna

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