Thursday, June 17, 2010

Haiti Buckets of Hope Released

Monday, June 14, 2010 – What an incredible day in Haiti! We started out by going to the Minister of Civil Defense’s office for a mandatory meeting. It was called because of a problem that developed Friday. The minister decided to go with us to open 5 containers. (He rarely went to that so it was going to be great or really bad.) When got to the truck yard, there were only 2 containers. Needless to say, the Minister was upset at us for not having 5 containers. (It was a simple delivery problem but still the whole thing almost blew up.) While they were discussing the problem in a loud manner, I felt compelled to sit down, under the deck of a semi-trailer and pray. I prayed for the Lord to intervene. Within minutes I noticed that the voices were calmer. As I looked up I noticed CMBH National Director of Ministry, Pastor Lebranc, giving me a thumbs up. At first, the minister only gave us permission to open the rice container. He said we could not open the bucket one. As we went to open the rice container, we found that someone had placed a lock on it but no one had the key. Again things were tense but the Lord prevailed. Once we opened the rice container, the minister warmed up and decided to let us open the bucket container. That was incredible.

Since the beginning I had visualized this day in my mind. I had been telling the pastors, the contract workers and others about the buckets. They could not comprehend it. When we opened a couple of buckets and showed the minister and his assistant how the bucket was packed, they were amazed along with everyone else. We distributed over 600 buckets this afternoon. We also distributed over 8 pallets of rice. It was hot, tiring, and hard. Still, it was a great day. Several times I had to stop because I became overwhelmed by the enormity of the moment. This is just the first of over 100 containers. The marathon continues.

For those of you practical people, yes the buckets did shift and tumble some because this one was not palatalized except at the back. Many lids cracked because some buckets had more space that the original size we tried to get people to use in the promotion piece. Many bottoms of the buckets bulged, bent and a few cracked. Never-the-less, there was only two buckets that the beans and oil did not survive. They it came apart when they fell out of the back of the truck when we opened the door. Pretty awesome!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

From Don Owen in Haiti

First let me begin by saying, Thank You, to everyone who has come to Haiti to work with the medical end of our Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief effort. I already knew from all your emails and your updates to the blog what a difference the work was making. However after talking to the director of the entire project and with the doctors, nurses and the EMT's I have learned that the half of the story has not been told. Second let me say, Thank You, to those of you who supported, through your donations to the Nolachucky Baptist Association Haiti relief fund, and through your prayer support of those who came and became a living sacrifice. According to the Director of Operations for the Medical project know as Medi-Share more than 20,000 lives were saved as a result of thousands of volunteers supporting and serving through this operation in Port au Prince Haiti. Plus not only were lives saved in the operating rooms and through the care of the doctors, nurses and medicines provided but thousands have given their hearts to Christ and saved for eternity. David Acres, our state DR Director, was here to start up operations of at the hospital project (back in March) and also here to assist in the shutting down our portion of the massive operation. Today,Tuesday, the area where the operations and work took place is just a big open space at the airport. The tents are gone the containers are all gone and that page in the 2010 Haiti earthquake recovery effort is now history.

Now to page two:
Beginning today our efforts will turn toward looking for ways we can effectively work to support the rebuilding in Haiti. A team is flying in this morning from Memphis to meet and show us an area we might possibly serve. There are so many, many needs here and my biggest request of you at this moment is to ask you to pray for God to show us His plan. Please pray for Mr. Acres and me today and the remainder of the week here in Haiti.

A personal note:
It has been incredible for me to see how the people of Haiti have picked themselves up dusted themselves off, and even in their poverty, have kept smiles on their faces as they begin the long uphill battle of rebuilding their country. These are some of the hardest working people I have ever seen. In the heat of the day, and I mean heat with a capitol H, they do not stop. They do not have jack hammers they use hammers or whatever tool they have to bust up concrete in small enough chunks to be carried in 5 gallon buckets outside and dump it in a pile. From these piles others go through sifting it and salvaging everything that has a possible use. Most of these people are doing this for food or possibly up to two dollars per day. Please do not forget the people of Haiti.

- Don Owen

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Last Team Out - Team 13 Post from Haiti

Our team represents the FBC Shelbyville and consists of Bill Chapman, Travis Binion, and Drew Hooker who, by the Grace of God, has had a life changing experience while serving the needs of the Haitian people.

This will be the final blog for the TBDR assignment to manage the Medical Warehouse for the University of Miami/Medishare Field Hospital. We were blessed by the arrival of David Acres and Don Owen to finalize the shutdown of the operation. The Hospital has moved to a permanent location and most of the work today was involved in moving and saying our goodbyes to a wonderful and dedicated group of doctors, nurses, and EMT people. We were informed today by the Project Director of Medishare there were over 20,000 lives saved at this Hospital.

When the Lord led me to go on this mission, I knew I had a desire to serve. But because of the spiritual condition of this country, the Lord gave me a greater desire to find someone I could help to spread the Gospel in this country. On Tuesday, one of the local people approached the Warehouse and made the usual request for water or the Gatorade Sport Drink they call ‘shake’. As I talked to this man, he told me his name was Pastor Alida Edry and said he was a local Pastor at a church he calls the Great Harvest Church of God. He began telling me of this great vision he had to spread the Gospel through his country of Haiti and how God had told him this was a golden opportunity to minister to so many people affected by the devastating earthquake. He is planning to start another church in a city called Cornillon and said he was waiting for the Lord to furnish him with 200 Bibles. One hundred in the French language and one hundred in the Creole language. I told him I would do anything I could to help him get those Bibles. I cannot tell you how blessed I felt! I knew without a doubt I was the one sent to this man to help him with his ministry!

And by the grace and generosity of the TBDR, they have already offered to provide the Bibles for this Pastor. But that does not end the story. I will continually be in contact with this Pastor to provide more of what he needs and the other Pastors that all have the same vision.

And some will say, ‘Well, how do you know if this Pastor is really sincere and is really going to go through with his vision?’

On Wednesday, he wandered into our camp and was reading a devotional, ‘Our Daily Bread’, which looked like he had just about worn it out. I immediately thought about my beloved devotional book written by Henry Blackaby, and with some hesitation, I offered to give him my devotional book. We went to my tent and when I gave him the book, he looked at the cover and said ‘I know this man!, ‘I know this man!’, ‘I have his book!’

On Thursday, the Pastor returned with a notebook. And he pulled out this old ragged book and I could hardly read the cover. When I took a closer look, it was the Experiencing God book by Henry Blackaby!!

This Pastor has been using this book to teach his congregation for ten years!

So God had confirmed my vision as well as Pastor Edry and, GOD willing, the Haitian people. And I know all of our volunteers have been blessed by their experiences with this mission. Many seeds have been planted. And we have fulfilled the final commandment from Jesus Our Lord according to Acts 1:8 and we will all be eternally blessed. Until we meet again , The Last Team, Team No. 13, is signing off.

- Bill Chapman, FBC Shelbyville, Tn

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday May 17 2010 Team 10

Before we left Cleveland, the Holy Spirit had impressed on my heart that there would not be many salvations on this trip. Instead, Jesus was sending us to minister to His hurting children of Haiti. And for the most part that has been the case.
There is not enough time and space to list all of the answered prayers and acts of love and ministry that Jesus is accomplishing during our trip here. I have not, for the most part, had a translator here. When I haven’t had one, I word my prayer, "Lord Jesus, they do not understand my English, but I pray by the power of your Holy Spirit that you speak directly to their hearts. Tell them that You love them, that you died for them, so they might live for You.” Then the prayer varies as led by the Holy Spirit. I know that the prayers have been answered time and time again by the look on their faces.

We had prayed for God to provide Bibles and a translator for the next chaplain. We met the new team from Georgia yesterday and, guess what? They brought many Bibles. Their chaplain is a pastor from Atlanta Ga., but he speaks Creole like a national because he was born in Haiti. When I was showing him around last night, he met some of his family waiting outside the ICU.

We were able to give a young man who believes in the scientology religion a Bible, and he has promised to read the Gospel of John and call or e-mail us if he has any questions. His faith cannot answer the most important questions in his life, but Jesus can. The Holy Spirit has impressed on all of our hearts that there will be a day that he comes to faith in Christ Jesus.

We are completely spent and many of us are sick again, but the power of the Holy Spirit is moving in a great way here in Haiti and we are thankful.


Sunday May 16 2010 Team 10

There were two deaths yesterday. Everyone is exhausted. We have some good pictures of the babies. I measured the temperature at my cot at 111 F and it is supposed to be hotter tomorrow. The air conditioners keep breaking down.

We had a wonderful church service this morning. The team told me that I pray too long. A young Haitian gave his testimony about living though the earthquake and how he knew that God was protecting him. They need Bibles in Creole, English, and French.

We have to pace ourselves and take frequent breaks without feeling guilty, otherwise you will be in the hospital with the rest of the patients. I pray for every patient in the hospital, many times their families, the doctors, the nurses, and all the workers, including the guards. All of the new mothers want you to pray for their babies. You can see the love and pride in their faces for their babies.

The Haitian people are so very grateful for everything that you do for them. Things that go without notice in the States receive a heartfelt "merci" or "thank you.” Bill and everyone that has worked in the warehouse have earned the respect of everyone in the camp, including the doctors. We are known as the "Tennessee Baptists."

The team that built the shelves from our home state have left a good testimony. In fact, every team from Tennessee has done so. They recognize the blue T-shirts.

Our group is sharing the love of Christ with everyone they meet.

Charlie Scoggins

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Team 10 Report

We cannot tell you all the amazing things that Jesus is doing among the Haiti people. There have been two salvations today. I have prayed so much that I am losing my voice. Charlie said that might be a good thing.

I prayed for all the babies in premature babies, all the babies and their mothers in pediatrics. I prayed for all the patients that gave me permission to pray for them and that were most of them.

Let me tell you what the Holy Spirit of Jesus did today in one case.

As I went around praying I was giving out pieces of paper that said "Jesus loves you". I ran out of papers. I came to two ladies, I requested permission to pray for an elderly lady and the younger lady said that I could.

After praying I started to leave and the younger lady started asking me something. I had not had a translator with me all morning and I thought at first she wanted a piece of paper that I had been handing out, but that wasn't what she wanted.

I prayed "Jesus, I need a translator". I turned around and there stood a Pastor. He translated for me. I found out that she wanted to know my name and what church I was with.

I told her that wasn't important all she needed was Jesus. A Pastor and I explained the plan of salvation to her and she accepted Jesus Christ.

I found out from a Pastor she had been a Muslim. We must protect her identity. The Pastor is to going to take her to his church. Praise God for the work of the Holy Spirit as the Pastor told me afterwards that the Holy Spirit had told him to come to me today and that I needed a translator.

Thank you for your continued Prayer support. God is at work!!!

Your Friends in Christ
Johnnie K

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Team 10 First Report, Tuesday May 11, 2010

Greetings to all from Haiti,

Today the Lord woke us to a beautiful new day in Haiti. The country is beautiful but full of needs.

Last night we had several inches of rain and some of our sleeping quarters were standing in water. The workers here quickly dug trenches so the water could drain. At least the rain cooled the temp so we could sleep better.

Monday Morning May 9, the translator led me to a man, he said they did not expect him to live long. He was a voodoo highest priest and someone had hacked his leg off with a machete, and he had a bad cut on his arm. He renounced voodoo and accepted Christ ss his Savior.

That afternoon I went back to visit him, the Holy Spirit told me to witness to the man seated in a wheel chair beside him. After much explaining and teaching I was ready to give up when he raised his hand and accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. This turned out to be the man who hacked the exvoodoo priest's leg off. It was also his brother! The brothers forgave one annother.

Tuesday morning before breakfast Wayne Morrison was sharing Christ with some young belivers and one of them redicated his life to Christ. Now he wants to be a missionary.

We have met three national pastors serving as translators. One of them has planted over ten churches in the back mountains. Another pastor is over 12 small churches, a school, and an orphanage. They are all praying for revival in Haiti.

Pray for our team as there is reports of unrest here with the government.

In Christ,
Wayne Finnell
Johnnie Morrison

Team 10 Arrives

Team 10 Consist of:
• Wayne Finnell from Westwood Baptist Church, Trained Chaplain & Team Leader
• Bill McConnell from Westwood Baptist Church, Medical Nurse
• Wayne Morrison from Westwood Baptist Church
• Johnnie Morrison from Westwood Baptist Church
• Charlene Foster from Westwood Baptist Church
• Charley Scoggins, Clingan Ridge Baptist Church
• Roger Watkins, Clingan Ridge Baptist Church
Representing Bradley Baptist Association, Cleveland, TN

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 6

Hello Team 9 is still going strong in Haiti. We feel like we have accomplished a lot in the warehouse for the past 2 days. Peggy has new additions to her family. She has several new sons. They call her mom. No one can believe she is her age. She still is spry as a spring chicken. I will post some pics of her with her new sons. Matt has made several new friends as well. He's been giving them lessons. I can also post a pic of that. There have been several more deaths in the past few days. But we have given away several Bibles. The little baby in the brown flowered outfit is one Peggy fed. We also went to the UN to eat last night. It was really good. Traffic on the streets of Haiti, well let's just say you better be prayed up. We rode in the back of a pick up truck. WE did make it back safely though. We have witnessed to many people including the nurses and docs. Most have been receptive or at least tolerate us. Please continue to pray for us all that we will be doing exactly what God would have us do. We thought she was going to be a slow eater but she had the whole bottle gone in no time. We hope you enjoy the pics. It gives you a little idea of how our days are going. The pic of us in front of the cross is where we do our devotions in the mornings at 6:30. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Blessings from Team 9

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday Evening post from Team 9

Hello from hot, humid Haiti I almost used a term that sounds alot like Haiti and it's hot as well. Just a bit of humor tends to help with the heat. Ok to begin with I probably should tell you we were proviledged to pray with a father and daughter. The daughter was 18 and she came in with a brain infection. The father was thankful and one of the nurses said afterwards that we almost made her cry she wasn't expecting that. We also had a request from Sharon one of the nurses on our team ask for prayer. She was semi kidding because she has had to put up with people not listening and things being put in the wrong places. She said you need to pray for me I think she was really serious.

Last night we were introduced to a local vendor who cooked hamburgers and hotdogs they also had cold sprite and cokes we could purchase. I wasn't brave enough to endure it however the rest of the crew did and said it was very good. Thankfully no one got sick so I guess it was ok or God was looking out for them. Probably both. Everytime we meet one of the children in passing they give us a hug. Sweet children. Wish I could bring some back. Several infants had been "abandoned" and fortunately all the mothers showed back up today. From what we understand that is somewhat of a cultural thing for emotional detachment when they think they are going to pass away. I know I am going long but there is so much to tell it's hard to get it all in.

God is still working and there are so many needs. We had a request today for toothpaste and was able to give them the toothpaste that a dentist from our church had donated. I should sign off for tonight all my biting friends are visiting me so I have to get a shower and get the bug spray. We continue to desire your prayers.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3 Post from Haiti Team 9

We arrived on time and safely yesterday. We've only been here for a little more than 24 hours and have already witnessed God's protection and how he orchestrates things long before we even realize it.

Around 12 am this morning we were all awakened to screaming voices saying, "There is a FIRE in the Med-surg tent and we need everyone to come help evacuate the patients." So as you can imagine it was mass chaos. We did manage to get all the patiens evacuated, however we lost a child and an infant. Early this a.m. we lost another infant. Few people have had more than 4 hours of sleep.

To elaborate on God's orchastration it has truly been a blessing having Sharon and Josh on the team because of their knowledge of medical supplies. Allen is with our team and had not planned on utilizing his background as an electrician. In light of the fire last night, which was caused by a lightening strike, Allen's expertise was used to rewire the hospital and patients were moved back in. Currently the hospital is not accepting new patients but are treating the patients who were already here. Matt has been the muscles of the group and well that leaves me. I have prayed continually for the team for endurance in these conditions and boldness to share the gospel.

We are doing the best we can considering the circumstances. The medical supply tent is in the process of moving supplies to containers. Some of the supplies are under tarps on pallets some is in containers while there is some on the shelves still but not in good order. God is blessing and we are loving the people. Please continue to keep team 9 as well as all the wonderful nurses, doctors, volunteers and many other medical people in your prayers.

In Christ,
Team 9

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, May 2 Post from Team 8 in Haiti

Hello from Team 8. We will be leaving tomorrow morning with Team 9 due in this afternoon.

Mark was blessed with the opportunity to attend worship service at an evangelical Haitian church today. The two pastors of this church are evangelical church planters who focus on areas where voodoo is rampant. They had several of their church plants destroyed during the earthquake but their faith and trust in the Lord is stronger than ever.

After the service the two pastors took Mark to an voodoo "temple" where the voodoo "priest" was actually present. The area was strung with voodoo implements, tools and signs. You could literally feel evil lurking. One of the Haitian pastors shared truth with the voodoo priest for several minutes and then we left. The Haitian pastors shared some of the voodoo practices that are still carried out in this country including child sacrifice and mutilation of human remains to produce "potions." Although not common in the cities anymore it still goes on particularly in the mountains and more remote areas. Politicians even go to the voodoo "priests" to cast spells on their rivals. Satan stalks this entire country. Please be in prayer for Haiti and for the pastors who strive everyday to combat this evil and walk our Lord and Savior's name in a land awash in darkness.

The new team of Doctors and Nurses arrived last night. Although several of them are having difficulty adjusting to the heat (can't imagine why, it's only 98 today) their attitudes seem to be universally positive and upbeat.

One of the Haitian pastors stated to us that he knew what a sacrifice it was for us to come here to serve. My reply to him was that it was not a sacrifice but a blessing from the Lord to be able to come here and serve.

Serving in His Name,

Team 8

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday, May 1 Report from Haiti Team 7

The word for today is HOT, HOT, and more HOT! We are moving the stuff out of the medical tent into cargo containers. The med tent is in a mess. Team 9 will have their hands full with all the moving.

We have a new set of twins born early this morning. Mark and I are getting ready to leave. These 2 weeks have just flown by for me, but I am looking forward to getting home. I have learned a lot about myself. The people I have met here are great. I would not trade the time I spent here in Haiti. We have planted many seeds here and hope a tree grows!

Your Friend in Christ,

Ken Sheppard

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday, April 30 Post from Team 8 in Haiti


We are very busy with a wide range of tasks. In addition to running the supply tent, we are frequently asked to come to one of the hospital tents to pray for and with patients and families. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve and share Truth; helps keep us very busy but also leaves us spread very thin. Team 9 with 6 people will indeed be a blessing and an opportunity to get caught up in the warehouse and spend more time in prayer and fellowship with patients and staff.

Can not give enough thanks and praise to the Fla house staff for all of their help and support. They have been a blessing indeed.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we seek to serve Him and walk his Name.

Please keep the Haitian people in your thoughts and prayers as well.

In His service,

Team 8

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday, April 29 Report from Haiti Team 8

This morning we were asked to pray with a woman. Her baby isn’t expected to live through the day. Mark said a wonderful prayer; it was touching and the mother was comforted and grateful for Mark. I went to the United Nations compound for lunch. The food was great.

We lost a child earlier today, prayed with 9 people, and planted many seeds today. As it is very hot and there is only me and Mark, I need to go feed the babies now because I help with the feedings.

Pray for all the people here in Haiti. John 3:16 is my verse for today. For God so loved the world that he gave is one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

God bless you all!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday, April 28 Report from Team 8 in Haiti

Not much new to share. The team is fine, working long hours (we usually have devotional time a 6:30 am and then go straight to the warehouse and work until approx. 5:30 pm), but in good health. It is our understanding that team 9 will consist of 6 people. This will be really helpful as there is so much work to do.

We went to the market in town today to purchase some much needed items for the hospital (primarily bleach, soap and baby bottle brushes). The hospital is located about a mile from the main UN compound which is on the route to the market. The sides of the streets around the UN are lined with Haitian vendors selling everything from bread and V-8 juice to wooden bowls and art work. All are trying to earn a few dollars in an economy with an unemployment rate well over 50%.

I mentioned yesterday the wealth of opportunity here to share the truth. There is a very wide range of peoples here; professional staff (some of whom are believers but a lot of whom are not), Scientologist's, Sikhs, Haitians a lot of whom profess to Christianity but have some very non-scriptural beliefs). It seems that He placed a cross section of people groups here for us to be witnesses unto.

If eveyone would please be in prayer that we might be humble witnesses to His perfect Word and humble servants to His perfect Will.

Thank you for your prayers,
Team 8

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27 Post from Team 8 in Haiti

Greetings from Port-Au-Prince, Donna and Carolyn both left yesterday and are home safe and sound - four hours late out of Miami due to weather but both home safe. Ken is staying over a second week and he and Mark are now holding down the fort. The same basic mission, running the warehouse and sharing Truth whenever the opportunity presents it's self.

Very hot today, probably pushing 98 and very high humidity but the Fla. House folks are doing a super job of supporting us with water, ice and anything else we need. Our thanks and gratitude to all of the personnel there.

The Doctors, Nurses and other professional staff (PT's PA's etc) are a joy to work with. Super attitudes toward their jobs and the Haitian people. Some of them have been here multiple times but for a lot of them this is their first experience in this type of environment and their attitudes are overwhelming positive and professional. Very grateful and appreciative for our help.

On a more somber note, we continue to lose infants in the pediatrics unit. This is very hard on the Nurses in particular. In the States they are accustomed to saving probably 49 out out of 50 of infants who come into their Hosp in distress. Over here it seems like they are losing close to fifty percent. Ken has been spending a lot of time in prayer for the babies and with the staff.

A couple of logistical notes for anyone who may be coming down:

1) If at all possible you need to book the entire trip with America. Personal experience and ongoing reports from others indicate significant problems (delayed and canceled flights, missed connections etc) with the other airlines serving Port-Au-Prince. Additionally, American is still allowing two checked bags (fifty pound limit ea) into Port-Au-Prince with no checked bag fee.

2) There is an ongoing need here for the following items if anyone has room in their checked bags.

  • Tarps (10x12 probably work best)
  • Powdered Gatorade is an ongoing need both for yourself and for patients

Let me close by saying that there is a over flowing abundance of opportunity here to share Truth and serve Him. (more on this in the next couple of days).

Your fellow servant,

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Final Post from Haiti Team 7

First, I want to thank God for the opportunity to have been here this past 8 days. He is so good. We have had a blessed week. Some days were harder than others, but it has been so worth everything we have been though, emotionally, physically and spiritually. God has truly blessed through the Haitian people, all the doctors, nurses, and other medical staff who are here volunteering their time.

We had a church service this morning. Ken, Carolyn and I were the only 3 in attendance, but I pray we have sown some seeds here. Ken read from John and talked about casting the first stone. We really enjoyed it.

Mark arrived safe, we thank God for that. Keep Team 8 in your prayers.

Please pray for safe travels for Carolyn and me tomorrow as we go home to our families.

Any teams coming in the future, there is a need for English Bibles. “For HE will deliver the needy when he cries for help, the afflicted also, and him who has no helper. He will have compassion on the poor and needy...He will rescue their life from oppression and violence. Psalm 72:12-14

God bless Haiti and you!

- Donna

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday, April 24 Update from Team 7

Hello to all our family and friends. We are all well. God is watching over us all. He is so good.

We have had another very hot day, sometimes you think you can't take any more, but He gives us the strength we need to keep on.

We lost more babies today. This is one of the hardest parts. These babies are precious. The children are so loving.

We have been working long hours trying to get the warehouse ready to move to the new location. There is still so much to do. Please, if you can possibly join with TBDR and make a trip down here, the need is great. There are so many people who need help. God will truly bless you.

"I thank my God for you; hearing of your love and faith you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all saints, that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother." - Philemon 4-7

We need to minister to these people and show the love of Christ. Carolyn and Donna only have a few more days in Haiti, so keep Ken in your prayers. Pray that God will send him the help he needs to keep doing this work that God has given us to do. Pray for safe travels for Carolyn and Donna.

On a lighter note the UN brought us hamburgers and hotdogs. They were so good. Thank God for His goodness!

God bless you all.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, April 23 Report from Team 7 in Haiti

Thursday was a very busy day. First, we moved from the Florida House to the camp at the airport where the warehouse is located. The two Southern Baptist tents are still up and available for us to move into so Ken took one and Donna and Carolyn took the other. The girl’s tent had three cots and Ken's ten had more cots then he knew where to put them. He also had an air mattress that I found out he didn't use. I may use it tonight! The cot was hard last night. As soon as we got to the warehouse a nurse came in and told us they had just lost another baby so Donna and Ken went to pray with the family. That makes 5 babies that have died since we got here. It doesn't get easier.

We didn't get any new deliveries yesterday, but we are starting to create palettes with excess items that they can move to a real warehouse with walls. They are concerned that the rainy season is coming we have lots of palettes outside that would get wet. We were told to send 6 palettes a day. We are marking them with a yellow security tape.

Yesterday we had a chance to tour the city. We went into the area that contains the worst damage. We saw debris still in the streets, but they [the Haitians] just drive around them. We even saw tents in the middle of the street; again we just drive around them. We saw the Cathedral where a group of about 15 people were singing in Creole, it wasn't a song we recognized. Everywhere we go we see people asking from money or food. Our hearts go out to them.

We also saw the Palace, it had a lot of destruction but you can see what the grandeur was before the earthquake and right across from the palace is a tent city. How can rulers not see how the people live and not help?

Today is Nick and Tyler's last day; please pray that we make a difference in their lives. Some of the books and things they have are very non-Christian, one book was called White Witch, Black something.

Thank you for your prayers. Ken did sleep better.

Today's verse we found on the back of a bus yesterday when we were touring. Daniel 3:17- “If we are thrown into a blazing furnace the God we serve is able to save us from it and He will rescue us from your hand, O king.”

Today is starting to look like it will be our hottest yet.

Carolyn, Ken and Donna

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thusday, April 22 Update from Team 7

Dear Friends,

Hello, this is a new update. Thank you for your prayers. I got my best sleep, so far, on Tues night. It was another hot, hot day at the airport. A lot happened today, so bear with me, as it is now 3 am on Thursday.

We cleaned up in and around the supply tent and then a news crew came in and filmed us. They took pictures and asked questions. Next, Donna & Carolyn handed out around 200 tracks in French. Two Haitian men specifically asked for Bibles in English that thankfully Donna had brought. We were able to plant many seeds.

Now on a sad note, at one point, I was sitting down and our Lord was laying on my heart that I needed to go see the babies in the ICU ward and pray over them. All at once, God said I needed to go at that moment. I told Donna what the Lord had laid upon my heart, and asked her to go with me. When we walked in, alarms were going off. This mother was holding her baby and crying. The nurses said the baby would not live much longer. We asked if we could pray for her. I got down on my knees, placed one hand on her and prayed for her pain. A little while later the baby died. Donna and I were crying. It was very sad. A total of 3 babies died on Wednesday. But, now they are with our Lord Jesus in heaven in no pain.

I’m so blessed to have Carolyn and donna on our team . I believe our Lord puts the right people together at the right time. The teams from California, Georgia, Mississippi, and Florida have blessed us so much as we have gotten to know them. Today, Thursday, it’s time for us to move into the tents at the airport and say goodbye to our new friends. I’ll miss the services each morning with the Haitians at the Florida house – the singing in French and the sharing time. The people here are so nice to us.

Because it’s so hot here and we need to drink a lot of water. my verse for today has to do with the living water. Jesus said unto the lady Samaritan at the well, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” - John 4:13-14. Amen.

- Ken

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Team 7 Checking In!

Dear Friends,

First off we are staying at the Florida House instead of the camp where the warehouse is. This has pros and cons. We have about a 30 minute drive every morning and night so our work day is a lot shorter. We get a hot breakfast and supper every day and we sleep on a bed in air conditioning. The feel here is more like other Disaster Relief trips I have taken. There is a community with teams from TN, FL, GA and CA. There are about 40 of us staying here. Other teams are doing demolition, construction, and some are training local pastors.

Each morning we have a devotional in the court yard with the 40 people and about 60 Haitians that work with the teams as translators, construction workers, security, drivers, and cooks. Everything is translated and we sing in Creole (like French).

Today we had lots of work, but a lot of blessings. It was a little cooler and we had a fan. We received several deliveries today. One delivery was an over-abundance of toilet paper and paper towels. We took toliet paper to patients and families in the hospital. Everyone got one or two rolls depending on if it was a thick or thin roll.

Donna, Ken and I (Carolyn) found a tent which is set up as a play room for children. We got a chance to play with the children. We had bubbles and balloons left over from yesterday and we found books and clappers in the warehouse. Ken even got on the floor and played cards with the kids. They showed us how they could count in English. My counting in French was very rusty but I got all the way to 10 with a little help.

Today the Lord gave me the scripture from Hebrews 3:15, "Today, if you hear his voice do not harden not your hearts." This disaster relief trip is turning into the greatest retreat I have ever attended.

Please pray for Ken as he hasn't slept well in two nights. Continue to pray for Tyler and Nick - we had a chance to talk to them today, but will need to talk more. The Lord is definitely working on these two boys.

Your brother and sisters in Christ,
Donna, Ken and Carolyn

Eddie became dehydrated and had to spend
time in ER, this is Donna at his side

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19 Post from Haiti

We started our day with a wonderful breakfast. Then we had an awesome devotional and a song.

We went to the warehouse to start our work. We unpacked several palates of medical supplies and stocked them onto the shelves.

Carolyn and Donna visited the children's tent at the hospital and gave balloons and bubbles to the children. That was an awesome experience. The children's eyes just lit up. They are so precious. In Matthew 19:13, Jesus says "Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."

Pray for 2 American boys that we are working with, they don't know Christ and we want to show Him to them through us. God is so good.

- Team 7

Team 7 Arrives in Haiti

Hello from Team 7! We are Ken Sheppard, Donna Rose, and Carolyn Fregoe. We have landed here in Haiti safe and sound. We are looking forward to starting our work tomorrow.

We have met a team from California and they are a blessing to be around, singing, sharing testimonies, and all of us praying together. We will update more later.

Thank you for your prayers!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Team 5 Looks back at their time in Haiti

Although Team 5 left Haiti over a week ago, they sent along this update as to their last 24 hours in Haiti and also a "thank you" to those of you who prayed for them as they ministered to the patients and other relief workers in Haiti.
Well, we were up early Monday morning, we had to leave for the airport at 7am, we were able to say our good-bye's to the new friends that we had made. One of the Haitian workers, Lilio came early Monday morning to see me off and thank me for the bible I had given to him.

Eddie and myself almost missed our 10:50am flight with Insel Air because we were directed to the wrong location (it was because of the language problem), but I was able to contact a worker from Insel Air and he was able to get us taken care of just as the plane was getting ready to leave.

Sunday was a bad day for Eddie, because that evening he got sick and had to go to the ER to get checked out. He had to stay in ER for some time and they gave him an IV because he was dehydrated. I have a picture of Eddie in the ER with the IV's in his arm and Donna at his side. He also had to get up during the night and go back to the ER and was sick going out the next day. I was able to be with him until Miami then we had to split up and go different directions.

Sunday night was also a bad night because we had a very bad thunder storm, and again our area looked like a small lake. One of the oxygen bottles in the children's ward fell over and broke. I guess it was the noise from the oxygen bottle that scared the parents, because they grabbed their children, tearing out IV's and running out into the rain.

Thursday and Friday they dug ditches around the hospital tents so that the water would flow into a well that they had dug, and could be pumped out, this kept the water from flowing into the hospital tents. Wednesday night we had a bad rain storm and the tents got a lot of water in them.

Please be in prayer that more teams will go to Haiti to work, because I heard a lot about how much great work Tennessee Disaster Relief did, what a testimony to those who served. To God be the glory!

Don Pickrell

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10 Post from Haiti Team 5

Today is Saturday April 10 and on Monday Donna, Eddie, and myself will be flying back home. We have made many friends down here and it will be sad to leave, but sadder still is the fact that we do not have a replacement team. The conditions down here are not the best, but for all the teams that have been here and worked I can say with assurance that it has been rewarding, and a real blessing to have served our God in Haiti. I am sure that anyone of them would return, if given the chance to do so. I am so thankful to have Donna on my team, she is a real worker, and takes care of the warehouse, and because of her the supplies are getting out to the Doctors and Nurses.She is always on the go and has gotten to know everyone. We also have a Christian Rabbi, Mark working with us who is just great and always on the go. We also have Kris, a Christian lady from Key West, helping and also doing a wonderful job.

I just talked to John, a Chaplain from Tennessee, who told me he lead an elderly man to Christ today, praise God. I think that is five this week, God is at work in Haiti.

Last night as we were eating around the picnic tables, which are under a tent with open sides, it started to rain very hard. The camp ground area looked like a small lake, our tent had some water inside, but not much. I have a picture of Eddie standing on the picnic tables pushing the water off the tent roof, we had about four inches of water around the picnic area.The medical warehouse where we work had lots of water and some boxes got wet that were sitting on the floor. It was muddy this morning and we had to bring gravel from the parking lot inside to cover the muddy areas. The Hospital also lots of water inside, but they did a great job of cleaning up. It is very hot again today, so I am sure that it will dry the ground up.

A lot of the Doctors and Nurses left this morning, and so far just a few have came in to replace them.

Keep us in your prayers, we need them.

Don Pickrell

Friday, April 9, 2010

Team 5 Haiti Update

Greetings from Haiti!

Today is Thursday morning and it is already HOT, but God is good and He takes care of us. Donna, Eddie, and myself are keeping busy here in the Medical Warehouse. We also have two other people that came in to help us - Mark and Chris, who just needed a change from what they were doing, what a help they are.

Donna gets to go out into Haiti today to visit a orphanage where around 70 children are staying, she loves children and I think this will be a real blessing to her. Darrell and Rhett left Wednesday morning, they were the last of team #4. One of the many blessings about being here in Haiti is meeting new Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

On Wednesday morning Katie Couric came and visited our camp. One of the many things she did was interview a young girl (about 4 or 5) who had lost her left leg below the knee and had a deformed right foot. The little girl was using a walker that Rhett, who was on team #4, made which had a special seat in the walker. This was helpful because when she got tired of walking, she could put the seat down and have a place to set. She was using this when Katie Couric interview her, so if you see the news just know that the chair she is sitting in was made by one of our Disaster Relief people. (Editor's note: We do not believe this segment has been aired yet, as soon as we find out, we will let you know when it will air and/or will post a link to it on this blog)

We also had a 13 year old boy pass away Wednesday afternoon and the Mother was on the outside of the fence yelling and crying over the death of her son. Please be in prayer for this family and all the people of Haiti.

The Chaplains (not sure where they are from) also had four people come to Christ this week, what a blessing. Keep Team #5 in your prayers, we need them.

- Don Pickrell

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Final Post from Haiti Team 4

Velda and I leave Port-au-Prince at 5 PM today and Team 4's work in Haiti will be done. Today is such a sad but glorious day as 4 people were saved in the adult ward.

There are so many people to thank that I know I will miss someone important if I start naming names so will do a general thank you. The nurses, doctors and PT's have been amazing. Their professional care was awesome to start. Being able to volunteer in the ICU and watch what happens there is something I will never forget.

The staff of Medishare is so easy to work with. They are "make it happen" people of the highest quality.

The Haitian staff were/are so thankful for the help of everyone that comes down here. They go out of their way to assist in every way they can.

To the staff at Flordia House, thank you for your support and help. Praise God for people like you.

Making an exception here, as the 2 Georgia guys were and still are truely men of God. Darrell Barrett was such a help to me and Rhett Spires will make a lot of children's life easier with the modifcations he made on walkers,crutches, etc.

Team 4 was so amazing. Velda and Betty are the BEST. God assembled a team of strangers and made them brothers and sisters forever.

To my wonderful wife Lee, for taking care of everything at home alone so I cando this work , I love you so much.

Last I thank God for allowing me to do this work and all the Blessings He has given me.

1 Corinthians 2:2
- Bill

Monday, April 5, 2010

A PRAISE update from Haiti Team 4


I found out today why I came to Haiti. I knew part of the reason was to serve God, but I didn't know who He would bring me in contact with that needed to know the Lord. I have prayed each night to God for Him to lead me to one that was lost and in need of salvation.

Today is moving day, teams are leaving and entering the camp. I have talked some about Dr. Mitchell and the group of nurses he brought down from Chicago. I was talking to Leslie before she left from the airport, when a voice said I needed to go to the warehouse. I told Leslie I would be right back, and started for the supply room. I had not taken but a few steps when suddenly Nicole was at my side saying she thought I would never stop talking to Leslie and she needed to talk to me. I told her, sure, lets go to the computer room of the warehouse.

She started crying and telling me something was tugging at her. She knew she wasn't living right and wanted the joy all of us seemed to have . She poured her heart out as we sat together. I talked to her about Jesus, how He loved and wanted her to be a part of His heavenly family. I read some from Romans to her, then prayed with her. I asked if she really wanted the peace and joy that we had and that all it took was for her to ask God to come into her heart. We talked some more and then she prayed for Jesus to come into her heart and rule over her soul.

YEP, thats why we came!

1 Corinthians 2:2
- Bill

April 5 Report from Team 4 in Haiti

Yesterday afternoon a young nurse named Annie came in and said she had to work ICU by herself from 11 PM to 7 AM. She is a nurse of 8 months and said she was scared to death. I told her I was use to working nights and had basic 1st Aid training and would help her. She was so happy just to have another person with her she accepted my offer.

There were 3 patients in ICU last night. Bed 1 was a young man that while swimming tangled with a boat propeller. Both of his feet were cut and mangled badly , losing his left big toe. Bed 2 was a man that was in a bank during a robbery , and was shot by the police by mistake. He waited 6 weeks before going for treatment and now is very serious. Bed 3 is a man that was riding a motorcycle and hit by a bus. He has been in the ICU for 8 days. He is on a ventilator. About 2 AM while Annie was tying to give him some suction everything bad happen at once. His O2 ran out and she had me run and get man that changes the cylinders.

When he still wasnt responding , his condition worsen, she ran for help, then doctors were called. The doctor's work was not helping and I noticed patient one motioning for me. With chapped lips he told me to tell the doctor to "bag him". Now I have been around enough doctors to know they do not listen to patients trying to tell them how to do their job. I moved over to Bed 3 and was about to whisper this to Annie when patient one yelled out "BAG HIM" . The doctor said yes do this. Patient one gave order after order, telling them if they were doing something wrong , or right. By the time they sent for the head of the hospital and the respiratory experts the man was already calming down. Patient one had saved the man's life. It turns out that he is a critial care respiratory expert. His sister was also the person that started the hospital here. Coincidence? NOPE God in control.

Betty leaves today, we will miss her so much. Tomorrow Velda and I leave.

1 Corinthians 2:2
- Bill

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday from Team 4 in Haiti

Oh me! We just finished Easter morning service and it was so emotional. About 30 people came and we had an amazing service. People from different religions worshipping the Risen Lord. We sang a couple of songs, I read from the book of Mark. Wanda Mitchell from Chicago , then sang a special music. Donna Holt then gave her testimony. Dr Mitchell wanted to share what happen in the ER next. A car wreck involving 6 people , most seriously came in late last night. One was a little 3 yr old baby. The baby was non-responsive and they were losing him. Working on the little boy for about 1 1/2 they knew they couldnt do any more. Dr Mitchell led the ER nurses in a prayer for the baby , twice they prayer for God to save this little child. Finally the baby started crying, then moving and may recover completely now. There were veryfew dry eyes in that open field in Haiti when the Doctor finished. We then sang Just As I Am and had prayer and dismissed. Even a loud generator near by, nor planes landing could stop us from worshipping our Risen Saviour.

1 Corinthians 2:2
- Bill

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3 Post from Team 4 in Haiti

Well its moving day. So many of the amazing doctors, nurses, and PT's are leaving with a new group scheduled to arrive on the Medishare plane. Words can not describe the attachment and respect everyone has developed for each other. Donna Holt arrived safely yesterday and is another great addition to this team God has assembled.

I think sanitation and hot water are greatly overrated, may even take my hot water heater out when I get home , ha ha!

Fritz and Wade from Florida House came by yesterday. They are heading up all the SBC response here in Haiti. Fritz took some of us around town to see the destruction. It was unbelievable the damage. Buildings pancaked, building leaning over the street and we drove under them, the piles of rubble, and the mass of people living in tensts. I was shocked at the sheer number of tent cities.

Speaking of that, anyone coming down, 9X12 tarps are needed. The nurses give these tarps to discharged patients that have no home. These tarps become their new shelter.

I am still amazed at the worship service I witnessed in the wards. Led my a local pastor , the singing , praying and praising God is something I will never forget.

Gotta get busy, please continue to pray for us and everyone here.

It cloudy and cool today.

1 Corinthians 2:2
- Bill

April 2 Post from Team 4 in Haiti

Hello from the TN Baptist Disaster Relief Team in Haiti,

After 6 days, we have seen God's hand in this place. The TNBDR is responsible for the medical supply tent at the Medishare Tent Hospital at the airport in Port-au-Prince. We have had many opportunities to share the love of Christ to the patients and staff. Everyday has been stories of praying and crying with these people. We had an opportunity to be able to visit with Dr Franscisco Noel with One Vision Int and provide medications for his clinic. What a blessing that was, especially since my church is so involved with One Vision.

Last night revival broke out in the hospital. Patients who couldn't move in the day were rocking the tent with song and praise. All the staff were going after other staff to tell them they needed to see what was happening. One of our men has it on video, and I hope to get a copy and be able to share it.

We had a tour with our NAMB (North American Mission Board) disaster relief director for FL and Haiti today. The damage is unbelievable. But there is revival here. Nurses were coming to us to ask us to pray for their patients, we prayed with family who had very sick children and relatives. It has been a blessing to even do a little.

Keep us in your prayers. We now have 7 on our team. All are doing well and using their gifts to bring honor and glory to our Lord. Happy Easter from Haiti. Our group will be doing an Easter Sunrise Service.

Love to all,
Betty Ebbs

Friday, April 2, 2010

Crew 3 Final Report

Port au Prince, Haiti reminded me of war zone because of the death, destruction and shortages of food and water – all of this destruction has been caused by the recent earthquake.

I worked at the warehouse at the hospital where the supplies are stored. We would receive soap, water and MRE’s but then the next day they were gone or there would be half as much on the shelves. Haitian people were pillaging from the warehouse, and I would wonder – why are they stealing from the sick and dying? After thinking about the circumstances, I wondered what we would do if our children were hungry and had no water. What would we do to keep them alive? Are they stealing for their children or are they selling the goods at an exuberant cost to the poor people of Haiti?!!

God supplied miracles daily -– we would need for example, diapers, ensure for adults, medical supplies, and the next day it would be delivered. We asked for Bibles in French or Creole one day and miraculously it was received the next day. God works in wondrous ways!!

The University of Miami is the medical facility that is in charge of the hospital in Port au Prince. The head CEO was Doctor Vince and he was a stern but fair person – he would often make appearances at the warehouse to check on medical supplies and water. He had to make decisions that I would rather not have to make, for example: two girls, 11 and 13 received severe burns on Saturday night when a transformer exploded and covered them with fire. The hospital requested an airlift for the girls to Bethesda, Maryland, but it was not to happen. The decision was made to keep them comfortable and their bandages changed when needed. A Charge Nurse was helping us in the warehouse and she said that without a sterile area the two (2) girls will die from the infection. The nurse thought it not feasible to use the much needed medical supplies for those that are destined to die from their injuries. I am not such a skeptic – I believe in the divine grace of God!!

While in Haiti I would sit in the area where the doctors and nurses would come on their breaks to relax and talk of the days events. I heard that a woman with TB in her chest, not yet in her lungs, would receive no medicine for the bacterial infection – there was not enough medicine to start the treatment. The day before I heard of this ladies predicament, an older man had died from TB.

Death is not uncommon at the temporary tent hospital. I would go everyday to the children’s side of the hospital and see children that had to have parts of their arms and legs amputated, children with back injuries so severe that they could not walk, and then there were the preemie babies. The preemie babies were the most beautiful of Gods Creations. The babies were born to mothers that had little food or were ill when they were pregnant. Mothers’ asked me to pray for the babies – one mother professed that she believed in God and that she wanted me to pray for her small infant. I was so overwhelmed by these tiny babies that were so innocent and sick that I cried. After I finished praying for the first child, I was asked by two other women to pray for their babies. It was unexplainable how I felt to see these babies that are sick and dying. The same night the man with TB died, one of the preemie babies died too.

There was an RN from Philadelphia who was stationed in my tent. She worked in the adult side of the hospital and said that almost every night the army or the emergency workers brought in Haitians that had been shot in the neck (spine). She said that they would be quadriplegic for the rest of their lives. A young man of 18 was brought in that had been shot in the neck and he was paralyzed from the neck down, He had a young wife that was 16 or 17 years old and she was being taught how to take care of her husband. The RN told me the young wife did not realize that this type injury would not go away, it would be a lifetime of taking care of her husband.

I am so glad that I live in America, the Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave. I am so thankful for all of the prayers that were prayed for the Haitians, me. and First Baptist of Morristown for giving me a spiritual home. and for giving me an opportunity to help others in need.

I also want to thank the recruits from the United States Army Division from Louisiana that helped us at the Port au Prince warehouse. They brought us a foot locker of food. It sure tasted good!

Thank you God for the blessings you have bestowed on all of us in the USA!!!!

Gail Hudgens

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Haiti Team 4 - April 1 Post

Good morning from the sunny Isle of Haiti,

Yesterday was a moving touching emotional day.Flordia House (NAMB) delivered about 2 dozen home sewn quilts and blankets for babies. They were made by the women at 1st Baptsit Church in Aztec , NM. We sent 2 to babies in the pediatric ward. Several of us visited the mothers and babies in the ward shortly after. One of the little girls , 3 months old, was seriously ill with bowel distention. We prayed over her and her mother. This morning the pediatric nurse met us , told us the baby lived thru the surgery where a twisted bowel was corrected. She is stable as I type this. The mother said that when she was given the quilt , she knew her baby was going to live.PRAISE GOD!

Also yesterday a nurse told me a mother of a 26 yr old man was asking for a chaplain. He has late stage HIV and will not live very long. Darrell when to see him having to get in mask and gown. Darrell said he kept drifting off and couldnt really focus but the young man said he believed in Jesus ,,we can only hope that is so.

We started planning our Easter Sunday sun rise service. A Dr and 5/6 nurses from Chicago tent next to us said they were so happy to hear about this and that they would be there. The Doctor (Dr Mitchell) and his wife Wanda joined us this morning for our devotion. They brought a small tent with them and have been using that as a place they can pray alone each day. thrilled my heart!

So much going on , I ould write all day but this was a few of the hi-lights from yesterday. Oh Velda is taking a tour of the city today and visiting another orphanage. Others will go this afternoon and the rest tomorrow. More great news Donna Holt will be joining our team tomorrow instead of Sunday when the rest of her team arrives. Is our time here really drawing to a end????

Pray for us and the doctors and amazing nurses and the haitian people

1 Corinthians 2:2
- Bill

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Haiti Team 4 - Day 2 Post

Good morning from Haiti,

Eddie Tucker is HERE! His story is a long ,sad, and fuuny . But I knew right away Eddie was going to fit right in. As I was giving him a tour of the hospital , a Haitian came up to me to ask a question. When I turned back around Eddie was holding a little 1 yr old girl, smiling for pictures and laughing with her parents.

1 Corinthians 2:2
- Bill

Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28 Haiti Update from Team 3

Last night we enjoyed a dinner at the UN compound in celebration of our work here shortly coming to an end. The special treat was commandeering a TV and seeing the Vols win a close game over Ohio State.

We are preparing today for the new team, team 4, which is coming in on Sunday.

Please continue to pray for the Hatians and for our team and the entire group working here with many needs and also safe travel for those coming and going home.

Photos are included below. Thank You.

Gail Hudgens

Family members waiting to go home with Jerry Legg

Young girl amputee

Infant child with encephalitis

Young mother with preemie

Surgery on infant

Supply yard

Young Haitian girl

Doc Vince, CEO of the hospital and support

Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26 Update from Haiti

Today, which is Friday, March 26th, a small group of our team members went with a police officer from the US Embassy in a crowded car for a what was to be a brief tour of near town. The officer also operates an orphanage for 35 children. The tour became longer when we were stuck in traffic as people lined up to get US donated rice.. Big American flag on each and the folks struggled to take them home. We saw the Presidential Palace which was in ruins as was probably half the housing. Many different tent cities around the area and people walking and many street side vendors selling everything. The drivers here operate by the horn and push their way system and you hold your breath each time.

Prayers were answered when we received baby and adult diapers, which still are in great demand. Hospital still full and more coming from early morning till closed. Pray for the Doctors and nurses as they work 12 hours on and 12 hours off under tough conditions.

Please continue to pray for our team.

- Gail Hudgens