Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday May 17 2010 Team 10

Before we left Cleveland, the Holy Spirit had impressed on my heart that there would not be many salvations on this trip. Instead, Jesus was sending us to minister to His hurting children of Haiti. And for the most part that has been the case.
There is not enough time and space to list all of the answered prayers and acts of love and ministry that Jesus is accomplishing during our trip here. I have not, for the most part, had a translator here. When I haven’t had one, I word my prayer, "Lord Jesus, they do not understand my English, but I pray by the power of your Holy Spirit that you speak directly to their hearts. Tell them that You love them, that you died for them, so they might live for You.” Then the prayer varies as led by the Holy Spirit. I know that the prayers have been answered time and time again by the look on their faces.

We had prayed for God to provide Bibles and a translator for the next chaplain. We met the new team from Georgia yesterday and, guess what? They brought many Bibles. Their chaplain is a pastor from Atlanta Ga., but he speaks Creole like a national because he was born in Haiti. When I was showing him around last night, he met some of his family waiting outside the ICU.

We were able to give a young man who believes in the scientology religion a Bible, and he has promised to read the Gospel of John and call or e-mail us if he has any questions. His faith cannot answer the most important questions in his life, but Jesus can. The Holy Spirit has impressed on all of our hearts that there will be a day that he comes to faith in Christ Jesus.

We are completely spent and many of us are sick again, but the power of the Holy Spirit is moving in a great way here in Haiti and we are thankful.


Sunday May 16 2010 Team 10

There were two deaths yesterday. Everyone is exhausted. We have some good pictures of the babies. I measured the temperature at my cot at 111 F and it is supposed to be hotter tomorrow. The air conditioners keep breaking down.

We had a wonderful church service this morning. The team told me that I pray too long. A young Haitian gave his testimony about living though the earthquake and how he knew that God was protecting him. They need Bibles in Creole, English, and French.

We have to pace ourselves and take frequent breaks without feeling guilty, otherwise you will be in the hospital with the rest of the patients. I pray for every patient in the hospital, many times their families, the doctors, the nurses, and all the workers, including the guards. All of the new mothers want you to pray for their babies. You can see the love and pride in their faces for their babies.

The Haitian people are so very grateful for everything that you do for them. Things that go without notice in the States receive a heartfelt "merci" or "thank you.” Bill and everyone that has worked in the warehouse have earned the respect of everyone in the camp, including the doctors. We are known as the "Tennessee Baptists."

The team that built the shelves from our home state have left a good testimony. In fact, every team from Tennessee has done so. They recognize the blue T-shirts.

Our group is sharing the love of Christ with everyone they meet.

Charlie Scoggins

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Team 10 Report

We cannot tell you all the amazing things that Jesus is doing among the Haiti people. There have been two salvations today. I have prayed so much that I am losing my voice. Charlie said that might be a good thing.

I prayed for all the babies in premature babies, all the babies and their mothers in pediatrics. I prayed for all the patients that gave me permission to pray for them and that were most of them.

Let me tell you what the Holy Spirit of Jesus did today in one case.

As I went around praying I was giving out pieces of paper that said "Jesus loves you". I ran out of papers. I came to two ladies, I requested permission to pray for an elderly lady and the younger lady said that I could.

After praying I started to leave and the younger lady started asking me something. I had not had a translator with me all morning and I thought at first she wanted a piece of paper that I had been handing out, but that wasn't what she wanted.

I prayed "Jesus, I need a translator". I turned around and there stood a Pastor. He translated for me. I found out that she wanted to know my name and what church I was with.

I told her that wasn't important all she needed was Jesus. A Pastor and I explained the plan of salvation to her and she accepted Jesus Christ.

I found out from a Pastor she had been a Muslim. We must protect her identity. The Pastor is to going to take her to his church. Praise God for the work of the Holy Spirit as the Pastor told me afterwards that the Holy Spirit had told him to come to me today and that I needed a translator.

Thank you for your continued Prayer support. God is at work!!!

Your Friends in Christ
Johnnie K

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Team 10 First Report, Tuesday May 11, 2010

Greetings to all from Haiti,

Today the Lord woke us to a beautiful new day in Haiti. The country is beautiful but full of needs.

Last night we had several inches of rain and some of our sleeping quarters were standing in water. The workers here quickly dug trenches so the water could drain. At least the rain cooled the temp so we could sleep better.

Monday Morning May 9, the translator led me to a man, he said they did not expect him to live long. He was a voodoo highest priest and someone had hacked his leg off with a machete, and he had a bad cut on his arm. He renounced voodoo and accepted Christ ss his Savior.

That afternoon I went back to visit him, the Holy Spirit told me to witness to the man seated in a wheel chair beside him. After much explaining and teaching I was ready to give up when he raised his hand and accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. This turned out to be the man who hacked the exvoodoo priest's leg off. It was also his brother! The brothers forgave one annother.

Tuesday morning before breakfast Wayne Morrison was sharing Christ with some young belivers and one of them redicated his life to Christ. Now he wants to be a missionary.

We have met three national pastors serving as translators. One of them has planted over ten churches in the back mountains. Another pastor is over 12 small churches, a school, and an orphanage. They are all praying for revival in Haiti.

Pray for our team as there is reports of unrest here with the government.

In Christ,
Wayne Finnell
Johnnie Morrison

Team 10 Arrives

Team 10 Consist of:
• Wayne Finnell from Westwood Baptist Church, Trained Chaplain & Team Leader
• Bill McConnell from Westwood Baptist Church, Medical Nurse
• Wayne Morrison from Westwood Baptist Church
• Johnnie Morrison from Westwood Baptist Church
• Charlene Foster from Westwood Baptist Church
• Charley Scoggins, Clingan Ridge Baptist Church
• Roger Watkins, Clingan Ridge Baptist Church
Representing Bradley Baptist Association, Cleveland, TN

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 6

Hello Team 9 is still going strong in Haiti. We feel like we have accomplished a lot in the warehouse for the past 2 days. Peggy has new additions to her family. She has several new sons. They call her mom. No one can believe she is her age. She still is spry as a spring chicken. I will post some pics of her with her new sons. Matt has made several new friends as well. He's been giving them lessons. I can also post a pic of that. There have been several more deaths in the past few days. But we have given away several Bibles. The little baby in the brown flowered outfit is one Peggy fed. We also went to the UN to eat last night. It was really good. Traffic on the streets of Haiti, well let's just say you better be prayed up. We rode in the back of a pick up truck. WE did make it back safely though. We have witnessed to many people including the nurses and docs. Most have been receptive or at least tolerate us. Please continue to pray for us all that we will be doing exactly what God would have us do. We thought she was going to be a slow eater but she had the whole bottle gone in no time. We hope you enjoy the pics. It gives you a little idea of how our days are going. The pic of us in front of the cross is where we do our devotions in the mornings at 6:30. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Blessings from Team 9

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday Evening post from Team 9

Hello from hot, humid Haiti I almost used a term that sounds alot like Haiti and it's hot as well. Just a bit of humor tends to help with the heat. Ok to begin with I probably should tell you we were proviledged to pray with a father and daughter. The daughter was 18 and she came in with a brain infection. The father was thankful and one of the nurses said afterwards that we almost made her cry she wasn't expecting that. We also had a request from Sharon one of the nurses on our team ask for prayer. She was semi kidding because she has had to put up with people not listening and things being put in the wrong places. She said you need to pray for me I think she was really serious.

Last night we were introduced to a local vendor who cooked hamburgers and hotdogs they also had cold sprite and cokes we could purchase. I wasn't brave enough to endure it however the rest of the crew did and said it was very good. Thankfully no one got sick so I guess it was ok or God was looking out for them. Probably both. Everytime we meet one of the children in passing they give us a hug. Sweet children. Wish I could bring some back. Several infants had been "abandoned" and fortunately all the mothers showed back up today. From what we understand that is somewhat of a cultural thing for emotional detachment when they think they are going to pass away. I know I am going long but there is so much to tell it's hard to get it all in.

God is still working and there are so many needs. We had a request today for toothpaste and was able to give them the toothpaste that a dentist from our church had donated. I should sign off for tonight all my biting friends are visiting me so I have to get a shower and get the bug spray. We continue to desire your prayers.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3 Post from Haiti Team 9

We arrived on time and safely yesterday. We've only been here for a little more than 24 hours and have already witnessed God's protection and how he orchestrates things long before we even realize it.

Around 12 am this morning we were all awakened to screaming voices saying, "There is a FIRE in the Med-surg tent and we need everyone to come help evacuate the patients." So as you can imagine it was mass chaos. We did manage to get all the patiens evacuated, however we lost a child and an infant. Early this a.m. we lost another infant. Few people have had more than 4 hours of sleep.

To elaborate on God's orchastration it has truly been a blessing having Sharon and Josh on the team because of their knowledge of medical supplies. Allen is with our team and had not planned on utilizing his background as an electrician. In light of the fire last night, which was caused by a lightening strike, Allen's expertise was used to rewire the hospital and patients were moved back in. Currently the hospital is not accepting new patients but are treating the patients who were already here. Matt has been the muscles of the group and well that leaves me. I have prayed continually for the team for endurance in these conditions and boldness to share the gospel.

We are doing the best we can considering the circumstances. The medical supply tent is in the process of moving supplies to containers. Some of the supplies are under tarps on pallets some is in containers while there is some on the shelves still but not in good order. God is blessing and we are loving the people. Please continue to keep team 9 as well as all the wonderful nurses, doctors, volunteers and many other medical people in your prayers.

In Christ,
Team 9

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, May 2 Post from Team 8 in Haiti

Hello from Team 8. We will be leaving tomorrow morning with Team 9 due in this afternoon.

Mark was blessed with the opportunity to attend worship service at an evangelical Haitian church today. The two pastors of this church are evangelical church planters who focus on areas where voodoo is rampant. They had several of their church plants destroyed during the earthquake but their faith and trust in the Lord is stronger than ever.

After the service the two pastors took Mark to an voodoo "temple" where the voodoo "priest" was actually present. The area was strung with voodoo implements, tools and signs. You could literally feel evil lurking. One of the Haitian pastors shared truth with the voodoo priest for several minutes and then we left. The Haitian pastors shared some of the voodoo practices that are still carried out in this country including child sacrifice and mutilation of human remains to produce "potions." Although not common in the cities anymore it still goes on particularly in the mountains and more remote areas. Politicians even go to the voodoo "priests" to cast spells on their rivals. Satan stalks this entire country. Please be in prayer for Haiti and for the pastors who strive everyday to combat this evil and walk our Lord and Savior's name in a land awash in darkness.

The new team of Doctors and Nurses arrived last night. Although several of them are having difficulty adjusting to the heat (can't imagine why, it's only 98 today) their attitudes seem to be universally positive and upbeat.

One of the Haitian pastors stated to us that he knew what a sacrifice it was for us to come here to serve. My reply to him was that it was not a sacrifice but a blessing from the Lord to be able to come here and serve.

Serving in His Name,

Team 8

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday, May 1 Report from Haiti Team 7

The word for today is HOT, HOT, and more HOT! We are moving the stuff out of the medical tent into cargo containers. The med tent is in a mess. Team 9 will have their hands full with all the moving.

We have a new set of twins born early this morning. Mark and I are getting ready to leave. These 2 weeks have just flown by for me, but I am looking forward to getting home. I have learned a lot about myself. The people I have met here are great. I would not trade the time I spent here in Haiti. We have planted many seeds here and hope a tree grows!

Your Friend in Christ,

Ken Sheppard